Cancel Items and Orders

You can cancel items or orders by visiting the Your Orders section in Your Account.


  To cancel orders that are not shipped yet:
  1. Go to Your Orders
  2. Select the item you want to cancel and click Cancel items
  3. Provide reasons for cancellation (optional) and proceed

To cancel orders that are already shipped:


  1. Go to Your Orders
  2. Select the Request cancellation option and proceed further
  3. The item(s) will be returned to us for a refund (if the payment is already made)
In case you're still contacted for delivery, please refuse to accept it.



  1. If your order is combined with other active orders from your account and is shipped as a single shipment (common tracking number), then cancelling one order/item would result in cancellation of all the other orders/items combined in the shipment.
  2. For orders shipped directly by the seller, your order will be cancelled by the seller. A refund will be processed to your original payment method by the seller, if the payment was already made.
  3. International customers cannot cancel an export order once it is shipped. However, they may refuse delivery of the product(s) and contact us to get a refund.



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